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In a recent interview, James McKenna discussed his new crime thriller, The Unseen.  In result we have a few thought provoking comments on the use of subliminal psychotic induction over the Internet.


Journalist: What is subliminal psychotic induction, and is its use dangerous?

McKenna:   Subliminal psychotic induction, or SPI as its technically known, sends secret unrealised messages to the brains subconscious.  Words and pictures are flashed on-screen in a form of covert brainwashing.  The result is the recipient has thoughts and ideas they believe their own, but which have really been implanted by a remote and unknown influence.  The danger of such mind control speaks for itself.  Just think of the crazy people who commit murder saying the devil told them to.

Journalist: Sounds scary.  The victims have no idea they are influenced?

McKenna: If done properly, no.  SPI has been around a long time.  It was used in the 1950s and early 60s to influence cinema audiences.  That is until America realised the implications and made it illegal.  But with the Internet, a very murky world opened up.  Tracking the global source of SPI and proving illegality would be difficult.  People capable of creating  a virus might well be capable of creating an SPI source.  Because it's benign and creates no damage, once it passes your security you have a serious problem.

Journalist: Do you see big software players becoming involved?

McKenna: No.  Theyre rich and powerful enough already, but in the event of helping global or national security, who knows?  Certainly some smaller or struggling players might be tempted by its use to sell products.  You will note a recent increase in flash advertising.  Copy clearly visible to the eye is flashed on screen, then removed before you can read it.  That creates more time and increased revenue for the home page, but its also a slower, open imitation of a faster moving SPI.  The effects are similar.  I dont believe mainstream providers would even consider using SPI.  But like all major industries they carry out research.  They have wheels within wheels, within wheels.  What goes on further down the line if infiltrated by a covert agency might be deliberately missed while being secretly observed.   A government can deny rendition and torture, but it happens.  Truth is, only a few need know, and like The Unseen, they stay silent.

Journalist: But you have no proof SPI is used on the public.

McKenna: Correct, but neither does anyone have proof it is not.  The Internet is vast.  I think those in real danger are people who pirate software or computer games, those who watch dubious DVDs, people careless about security.  Instead of being cheap, pirated software might have you reaching for your credit card to buy expensive junk.  An SPI virus is difficult to detect because it causes no disruption.  Unlike other Trojan horses, SPI is there to infect your mind, not your computer.

Journalist: Then looking at my computer screen, how would I know Id been targeted?

McKenna: Thats the danger, you wouldnt.  Say you were working on a static screen display, your concentration is on inputting words or numbers, you might detect a flickering, a fudge in the display, but so insignificant youd  dismiss it as a minor abnormality.  People get on with their work because thats the important objective, never realising theyve been targeted.  However, if youve got moving graphics as in computer games, then SPI is almost impossible to detect.  Easily hidden amongst moving distractions, the concentration and strength of SPI messages can be greatly increased.  Compulsive watchers of soft porn or radical political sites, beware!  You could be seeing a lot more than what is on display. 

Journalist: But use by any enterprise or government agency would be  illegal.

McKenna: How do you prove the source?  Anyone can set up websites and create links.  The Internet is global with its own set of quirks and villains. And I don't mean commercial advertising which is governed by international standards.  The bad guys here use SPI for criminal activities.  The paedophile; the psychopath; the fraudster; the terrorist, any who seek control for gain or corruption.  Imagine what the likes of Al Qaeda could do amongst impressionable Islamic students.  Once they have searched out a mind open to suggestion, constant targeting could create a suicide bomber, a hijacker.  Few people under such attack would be immune, including the peaceful, hard working populace.

Journalist: Does that mean in certain respects we are all vulnerable?

McKenna: No.  If a person targeted to commit violence does not want to commit violence, then that person would not do so.  But if their mind was uncertain and open, because SPI has influence over their subconscious, if they are vulnerable to suggestion, then they may well commit violence not normally in their character.

Journalist: My immediate concern here is the innocent minds of children.  Do you believe there is a real danger of corruption and abuse?

McKenna: Without question.  To children, the web is like the enchanted forest.  It can reveal many wondrous things, but like the enchanted forest, its full of danger, including the influence of SPI.  In my book, The Unseen, the villain uses SPI to guide victims to his controlled psychopath, Zoby.  He commits murder by remote suggestion.  Intelligent young women are subconsciously influenced to trust Zoby, to do as he requests, to allow him into their homes, to visit remote places where he waits, to get into his car.  The danger to children is in not realising how their trust in a stranger happened.  The Unseen are out there, the paedophile, the psycho and the rapist.  Predators from the dark side never go away, they simply adopt new technology to ensnare the unwary.

Journalist: And the big question.  Do you think SPI could ever be used by governments to influence the masses?

McKenna: Who knows?  Some big players would be required. Crucial organisations would need to be onside or at least contain executives believing national security outweighed their ethics.  We are surrounded by CCTV cameras.  Our phones and Internet are recorded.  Our access to money is controlled by segmented labour activities bearing no just reward for endeavour and ability.  Disposable income is dictated by tax and corporate control over everyday necessities required for survival.  We are tracked by use of mobiles, oyster and credit cards.  We are already a herded people in a controlled society allowed to vote for politicians who sit on the front bench,  nodding their heads, drawing their salaries and playing the party game.  The current financial crisis threatens to overturn this cosy environment and cause catastrophic unrest.  Governments must be ready to safeguard the vast, law-abiding majority.  Such action may well require certain political administrators to look beyond the rule book and political correctness.  Big Brother is watching, waiting.  Mass use of SPI is one way governments may choose to walk.  All governments have covert agencies to combat terrorism and safeguard  national security.  But abuse and incompetence is inbuilt into all levels of administration, not least in our councils and parliament.  Abuse of SPI introduced for anti-terrorist measures and civil unrest might also be used to influence mass voting, to encourage payment of taxes, to obey our administrators, the police, to stay in our homes and accept what we are told.  But no government would do that would they?





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